PolyskeptiCast 1.4

A new episode!


Quiet you!


That’s better.  OK, so since life has been happening, including some of us having new partners as well as burlesque shows, we have not sat down to record in a while.  And despite Jessie not being available to record with us this time (no OKStupid this time) we managed to crank out 45 minutes of cream filled happy time…or something.

(that…was weird…)

I said quiet you!



(and tell all your friends)

Yes, that too.  The voices in my head aren’t always unhelpful.

Listen to this episode

Homebrewing and other updates

So, I have been a little busy recently.  Started dating someone new, there was some Doctor Who burlesque that was distracting me, and I am now home brewing.  So, this is a post to let you all know I’m not dead (Sorry, those of you wishing for that), and that things are going well.

I will eventually not do extract brewing, but this is a start.
I will eventually do non-extract brewing, but this is a start.

For those of you that don’t know me, I love beer.  I have assisted in the making of beer in the past, but I have not yet ventured into doing so myself.  I have decided to do so now, since I have a little free time (I’m in between work projects).

This morning, I spent some time doing some reading and then decided to create a yeast starter, since a lot of home brewing sites recommended that.  I have just finishing doing so, and it is stored (it needs between 18 and 24 hours) so that I can brew tomorrow.

As you can see to the right, I decided to brew up a batch of Russian Imperial Stout (here are some commercial examples), a personal favorite fall/winter beer.  Of course, after reading a bit more about brewing tips, it turns out this is a more complicated brew, and a few people said that someone with more experience should try this recipe.  Too late now.

Russian Imperial Stouts tend to be very dark (and tasty).
Russian Imperial Stouts tend to be very dark (and tasty).

So, I have all the ingredients laid out, I have the equipment out in order to be cleaned and sterilized in the morning, and in about a month I will have some beer! If you are local, and we like you enough, we may allow you to come over, have some (hopefully delicious) beer, and maybe we can talk you into going in the hot tub.

I don’t imagine too much arm-twisting will be necessary.

Also, I don’t know when we will be recording again.   Maybe this weekend.  Either way, we have not forgotten about PolyskeptiCast.  We have all been busy with various things, including the burlesque show, and will get on that soon.  In the mean time, check out the first three podcasts, if you haven’t already (or even if you have!) and send us some email with questions, comments, praise, berating criticism, etc.



PolyskptiCast episode 2!

So, we finally got around to sitting down to record yesterday, and now I have just finished editing.

We do more OKStupid, discuss relationship rules, and and read some mail.


Listen to this episode

We are not sure when we will sit down to record again, but definitely send us some feedback, whether praise or criticism.

But of course it will be all praise, right?


PolyskeptiCasting on Thursday!

Since we released our first podcast a few weeks ago, we got some good feedback.  We also received a donation which will help pay for the hosting cost of the podcast.  Of course, life got in the way and we never got around to recording another episode….

Until now!

And by now, I mean Thursday.

So, devoted readers, what would you like us to address? And questions for us, about polyamory, or other polyskeptic related material?  Tell your friends (monogamous or not) that some awesome, brilliant, and sexy people will be talking about polyamory around a microphone and we want to hear from them.  Because if doing this blog has taught me anything, it has taught me that your monogamous friends and family want to listen to a podcast about polyamory.

OK, maybe not.  Perhaps you might have to play it for them the next time you have a dinner party.  A PolyskeptiCast dinner party!* Now that’s certainly an idea.

Either way, when we are famous and our podcast shows up on iTunes’ front page (for now, you can find it there if you know where to look), everyone and their grandma will be listening to us be awesome and hilarious.  But for now, you can get in early and be one of those people that eventually says “I was listening to PolyskeptiCast before it was cool.”

Or something.


PolSkeptic.com does not promise to show up to your dinner party.  If there is good beer, cheap red wine, and it is within an hour drive of the Philadelphia area, then we will only promise to try to make it to your dinner party.

PolyskeptiCast Episode #1

[edit: If you tried to listen and it didn’t load, it may have been because I had to re-upload the file to podbean.  It should be fine now]

So, we here at the PolySkeptic compound (or “playhouse” as Jessie calls it) have been talking about getting our sexy voices out there for people to enjoy.  And what do you know, we have a microphone and some spare time, and I was willing to spend a couple of hours editing it, and here’s the first episode!

We would love to get some feedback, especially letters and comments that we could read for episode #2 (we will see how often we will do this).

In the mean time, enjoy!

Listen to this episode


Download this episode (right click and save)